This is Lynn Jenkins, she does not represent us
As reported, the House took up H.R. 1722 under a Rule requiring only a simple majority for passage. The Teleworks legislation will now head to the Senate.
Back in May, when this legislation was first considered by the House Virginia's Democratic Representative concisely summed up H.R. 1722, the Teleworks improvement Act. From the floor of the House he said, "The Teleworks Improvements Act is an important piece of legislation because it will help us meet five critical policy goals: reduction of dependence on foreign oil; reduction in traffic congestion; improvement in air quality; improvement in Federal recruitment and retention; and improvement in the continuity of operations plan for the Federal Government."
In May Maryland's Democratic Representative John Sarbanes expressed confidence that the bill enjoyed bipartisan approach. He was correct. Yesterday, forty-five Republicans voted to pass this bill. The margin for roll call 441 was 290 to 131. One Democrat, Marion Berry of Arkansas, voted against the bill, as did Lynn Jenkins. Back in May the bill needed a two thirds majority to pass, it didn't get it. Yesterday the bill needed a simple majority to pass. It got more a than two thirds majority. Go figure.
The Congressional Record has not posted the floor debate which preceded roll call 441.
Debate on the bill was less than competitive when the proposal came up the first time. Massachusetts' Democratic Representative Stephen Lynch and Utah's Republican Representative Jason Chaffetz controlled the time as floor managers for the two parties. They both voted for the bill.
Representative Chaffetz yielded time to West Virginia Republican Shelley Capito who voted for the bill. Chaffetz then yielded time to Virginia's Republican Representative Frank Wolf, who voted for the measure. No one spoke against the bill.
Those who voted against H.R. 1722 didn't have what it took to muster a debate and explain to America why they were opposed to the Teleworks Improvement Act. That includes Lynn Jenkins. That was roll call 251.
Representative Sarbanes was right, there was so much bipartisan support that those who voted no wouldn't show themselves during debate. That reminds me of Buddy Ebsen's character from the Beverly Hillbillies. He'd say "Pitiful , just pitiful."

"Pitiful, just pitiful"
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