is funny, imaginative, well written, and contains the seed of insanity which places the cross hairs of the Birther Movement directly on the forehead of the Birther's current heart throb, Donald Trump.
In her blog "Sarah, proud and tall" says that the Donald was actually born in a Mexican hospital. See,
But that of course is not important if the child of an American citizen is born in Mexico that child is still American. Not so fast. The Donald's mother WAS NOT American, she came from Scotland. And the Donald's daddy is purportedly a naturalized American citizen. To date I have not seen the usurper of the Birther Movement, "Donaldo" Trump, dragging out his father's naturalization papers. And while the Donald is fixing that hole in his heritage why doesn't he explain why his daddy changed his name from Drumpf to Trump.
Of course, "Sarah, proud and tall" has a copy of "el Donaldo's" Mexican Birth Certificate posted on line. Boys and girls, ladies, and gentlemen this is a hoot!
This "Sarah, proud and tall" is an absolute, although rated hard "R", must read. I recommend her blog as an excellent example of salacious wit. Just for grunts and grins we can all now speculate whether the Donald is Mexican, Scottish, or German.
My thanks to Pa Rock's Ramble,, for the heads-up about
Sarah, proud and tall, is very, very funny!